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How We Get There Matters
To transform the legal experience for all, our sight is set beyond the immediate horizon.
Instead, it is set on the horizon of creating our legacy: the lasting and permanent change to how legal services are experienced across the globe.

Building a
100-year legacy

We have big goals and we aren’t afraid to declare them.

We have the
potential for immense impact–to change
the practice of law, and, in turn, the legal experience as a whole.
Chris Yeh
Director, People, Strategic Execution
Clion since 2014

Aggregation of marginal gains
The journey to a 100-year legacy will happen through 1% gains.
We’ve seen the magic of compounding interest applied to our own performance. When the team comes together, we drive long-term results.

1% per day
365 days per year
You're 37x better

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